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New reports in eRecruiter — how can you use the “Recruitment Efficiency” section?
New reports in eRecruiter — how can you use the “Recruitment Efficiency” section?

New clear reports enable you to quickly compare and filter data regarding numerous recruitment projects within the selected time frame

Agnieszka Otręba avatar
Napisane przez Agnieszka Otręba
Zaktualizowano ponad 2 lata temu

The former “Projects” section in the Reports tab was redesigned and expanded with extra information.

Important! Availability of specific reports depends on your system version. If you do not see a given report, contact your eRecruiter Consultant.

Let us go through individual items of the “Recruitment Efficiency” (formerly: “Projects”) section to learn more about all the introduced changes and new functionalities.

The “Recruitment Efficiency” section facilitates monitoring of all recruitment processes and operations of the entire HR department. It enables collective analysis of numerous recruitment processes, as well as sourcing data related to the specific department, recruiter or candidate’s position level. All reports available in this section can be downloaded as an MS Excel file.

Important! This section is available for the Administrator only.

Top panel

The top panel shows the number of active and closed projects in the chosen time period and the average number of projects for one recruiter:

  • Number of active projects in the chosen time period — all recruitment projects that are active as at the ending date of the selected reporting period.

  • Activated during the chosen time period — the number of recruitment projects whose activation date falls within the selected reporting period and which are active as at the ending date of the selected period.

  • Activated before the chosen time period — the number of recruitment projects whose activation date was before the selected reporting period and which were not closed during this period.

  • Number of closed projects in the chosen time period — the number of recruitment projects that were closed during the selected reporting period.

  • Average number of projects for one recruiter in the chosen time period — the number of active recruitment projects in the selected reporting period divided according to users assigned to those projects.

Important! Activation date is the date of first activation of a given recruitment project. For instance, if a recruitment project was activated on 1 June 2021, paused after this date and activated again on 1 December 2021, the reports will show the first date of activation, i.e. 1 June 2021.

In order to ensure that the data contained in the reports are represented correctly, remember to close recruitment projects after their completion and open new projects for subsequent recruitment processes.

TIP: With the main filter, you can filter the entire report according to: company’s name, city or department for which a given project was carried out.


KPI (Key Performance Indicators) panel enables monitoring of the key recruitment indicators pertaining to the time needed to find an appropriate candidate. The indicators reflect the effectiveness of the recruiting team with regard to pursuing the company’s goals. With the KPI panel, we can monitor whether the recruiters achieve the intended results regarding:

  • Time to Offer — the time from the candidate’s application to the job proposal.

  • Time to Hire — the time from the candidate’s application to employment.

  • ·Time to Fill — time from the activation of the project to the job proposal.

TIP: This panel shows the average indicators for all recruitment projects during a given reporting period, but you can use the filters to check the variation of these data for different position levels, departments, cities or companies for which the recruitment was performed.

KPIs by recruiters

This chart enables KPI analysis for individual recruiting team members. The chart shows whether the recruiters achieve the intended results regarding:

  • Time to Offer — the time from the candidate’s application to the job proposal.

  • Time to Hire — the time from the candidate’s application to employment.

  • Time to Fill — time from the activation of the project to job proposal.

  • Project time — time from activating to closing the recruitment project.

You can also use the filters to display the data for specific recruiters, a position level, a company’s department, a city, a company or a custom field.

TIP: By clicking a selected bar, you can display the data for individual recruiters, the average time for a given indicator and the number of recruitment projects on the basis of which the data are calculated.

Average time of Candidate Card assessment

This chart illustrates the collaboration of the business users with the recruitment department and their impact on the duration of recruitment projects. This section shows how long a recruiter waits for a response, i.e. an acceptance or rejection of a candidate by the manager.

First of all, you can check the total number of assessed Candidate Cards and the number of assessing managers. Next, you can check the average time of candidate assessment, i.e. the time from sending the Candidate Card to its acceptance or rejection.

TIP: The chart shows the total time of Candidate Card assessment, but you can use the filters to check the data for a selected manager, recruitment project, position level, company’s department, city, company or custom field.

Project duration

In this section, you can check the average project duration, calculated from opening to closing of the project; for the project to be included in the chart, it must be closed during the specified reporting period.

TIP: When you hover over the selected bar in the chart, the data divided according to individual recruiters are displayed.

Number of projects by recruiters and statuses

This chart enables you to check the number of recruitment projects carried out during the selected reporting period and the current stage of those recruitment projects. You can see the number and status of projects marked with appropriate colors:

  • Green — new recruitment projects, i.e. projects activated in the chosen time period, but not closed during this period.

  • Blue — recruitment projects in progress, i.e. projects activated before the first day of the chosen time period and active on the last day of this period.

  • Orange — closed recruitment projects, i.e. projects closed in the chosen time period.

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