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Onboarding Module for the supervisor of a newly hired employee
Onboarding Module for the supervisor of a newly hired employee

With the Onboarding Module, you will be able to prepare for the introduction of a new person to your team!

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With the Onboarding Module in eRecruiter, you will easily prepare a newly hired person to become a fully introduced employee! The Onboarding Module will put in order all the tasks you have to do as the newly hired employee’s supervisor.

You will get access to the module when you are appointed the supervisor of the candidate being onboarded for the first time. You will receive an email message with the module details and log–in instructions. Subsequent email notifications will be sent to you each time a new candidate is assigned.

Access and logging in

Depending on the role in eRecruiter, the supervisor of a newly hired person can see two different views in the system:

1. Your role in the eRecruiter system enables you to log in (e.g. Recruiter, User, User Mini)? In this case, when you are appointed the candidate’s supervisor in the Onboarding Module, you will see 2 new tabs in the system’s main menu: “Onboarding” and “Business Account”.

  • In the “Onboarding” tab, you will find the candidates you are assigned to as the HR leader.

  • In the “Business Account” -> “Onboarding” tab, you will find the candidates you are assigned to as the supervisor.

2. You don’t log in to the eRecruiter system on daily basis (i.e. you have the Business User role)? After the onboarding process is launched for the first candidate you are assigned to as the supervisor, you will receive an email message with instructions on how to log in to the Business Account and the Onboarding Module. From that moment you will be notified by email each and every time you are assigned to another candidate as the supervisor.

After you log in, you will be directed to the Onboarding Module.


The list of candidates in the Onboarding Module will include only those people to whom you are assigned as their supervisor and whose onboarding process has been launched. The candidates are displayed according to the months during which they start work. For each candidate, the basic details are displayed:

  • position

  • telephone number

  • email address

  • start of work day

  • form of employment

  • HR leader responsible for the onboarding process

  • lists of tasks

List of tasks

The list includes the tasks to be performed by you and the HR leader before a given newly hired employee appears at work. Below the employee’s surname, you will see the tasks to be performed by the employee as part of the onboarding process. Hover the mouse over the task progress bar to see the full list. Here you can check your tasks as completed.

TIP: If there any pending tasks in the list and the candidate is starting work in 7 days, you will receive an automatic reminder that those tasks have to be completed. A similar reminder is sent to the HR leader responsible for the onboarding process of the candidate if any of their tasks need completing.

Candidate’s details

In order to view the detailed information about a newly hired person and their onboarding process, click the first name and surname of this person. The full list of tasks, including their descriptions and attachments (if there are any) will be displayed. You will also be able to view the automatic messages sent or to be sent to a given candidate.

The HR leader responsible for the onboarding process decides on which messages are to be sent to the candidate and which tasks are to be performed. You can preview them and check your own tasks as completed. You can also add tasks for a newly hired employee.

List of tasks for the newly hired employee

In the candidate’s details section, you can create a list of tasks to be performed by this candidate, e.g. as part of their team or corporate onboarding. To create such a list, click the “Add task” button in the “Employee task” section:

For every task, you can add an estimated deadline (the number of days before or after starting work) and a PDF attachment.

Every saved task can be edited or deleted by clicking the pen icon or dustbin icon respectively.

The added task will be immediately visible to the newly hired employee in their Employee Account. You can monitor the progress of task completion. You can also select if you want to see all the tasks to be completed by a given employee (including those added directly in the onboarding path by the HR — they will be marked in the list) or only the tasks you have added. To do this, move the slider in the top right corner of the list of tasks:

Pausing the onboarding process / removal from onboarding

The onboarding process of a given candidate can be paused (e.g. when the commencement of work is delayed) or a candidate can be removed from onboarding (e.g. after they decide not to work for your organization).

If a person from the HR department removes a candidate from onboarding, this candidate disappears from your list as well and you are notified about it by email. If the onboarding process is paused, such information is displayed next to this candidate:


The “History” section is a record of people who have gone through the onboarding process or any of its stages. Newly hired employees are recorded there automatically after 30 days from starting work (i.e. after the “start of work date” defined in the candidate’s details). The tasks recorded in the “History” cannot be checked as completed anymore.

In this section you will also see every candidate for whom the onboarding process was launched (the onboarding path was activated), but who was ultimately deleted from the module. Such candidates appear in the “History” immediately after they are deleted from the module.

If the supervisor of a given candidate changes during the onboarding process, this candidate will appear only in the “History” of the person assigned to them as the supervisor as at the first day of work of this candidate.

TIP: The “History” displays the candidates’ data for up to one year counting from their start of work date.

Downloading a list of candidates for a given month

If you want to download a list of candidates in an MS Excel file, click the downloading icon next to the selected month in the main view of the module. The list will include all candidates who are currently assigned to a given month (i.e. whose start of work date falls during in a given month).

KEYWORD: onboarding for the supervisor ; progress of tasks performed by the supervisor ; log-in instructions

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