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Wszystkie kolekcjeFirst steps in eRecruiter system
STEP 4: Communication with candidates
STEP 4: Communication with candidates

Learn how to contact candidates using the eRecruiter system

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Napisane przez Mateusz
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The eRecruiter system enables not only safe job application sourcing and management, but also communication with candidates. With eRecruiter, you can boost the activities supporting Candidate Experience in your organization. Communication with candidates should be precisely planned and well thought through, so that it brings the desired effect, i.e. the satisfaction of candidates with the recruitment procedure, regardless of its outcome.

First contact with the applying candidate

The first message a candidate typically gets is from the autoresponder — it is a message sent automatically when the candidate completes the application form. The autoresponder message is one of the templates available in eRecruiter and should be edited and adjusted to individual needs of your organization as quickly as possible. Remember that every company starting its work with eRecruiter has the same message templates. If you want to stand out and be distinct, think about the possible changes you can apply

In eRecruiter, you can create many autoresponder message templates and use them depending on the specific character of a given recruitment project.

Communication both during and after the recruitment project

Having received job applications and starting to work with them, you can communicate with candidates in a number of ways. 

Using the system stages, you can:

Confirm a job interview by e-mail/text message or both. The candidate will also receive an automatic reminder 24 hours before the job interview and will be able to cancel the interview. 

Inform about rejecting a job application after examining the resume or after the job interview. This message is very important for every candidate. Candidates expect some kind of response and — even negative — feedback. According to the Candidate Experience* survey, every 8 out of 10 candidates have the impression that nobody even read their application. Information about rejection of the job application makes your company stand out among others — it will certainly be remembered better than a company that has never replied.

Send information regarding your offer and employment - you can add your own content and attachments to every such message. All this can make your work as easy as possible.

You can also add your own recruitment stages and attach system or custom message templates. 

Apart from the communication from the recruitment stage level, you can also send any message to one or many candidates

Your communication with a candidate does not end after the completion of the recruitment project. You can also send messages from the My Candidates tab containing the entire database of job applications. From this level, you can also invite candidates who granted their consent for their data to be processed for the purposes of future recruitment projects.

Entire correspondence in a single place

If a candidate is sent a message directly from the system, her or his reply will be automatically sent to eRecruiter and not to your e-mail inbox. This way, you have the entire correspondence with each and every candidate in a single place. Therefore:

  • you make sure the data of candidates are not dispersed all over numerous e-mail boxes and you do not need to worry about their safe processing and archiving;

  • you ensure continuity of communication, e.g. when the responsible recruiter takes holidays — you just need to grant another recruiter access to a given recruitment project;

  • you have accurate information about what was communicated to a candidate and what her or his response was, which ensures coherent communication; 

when the candidate replies to your message, you will see it in eRecruiter. 

As you can see, with eRecruiter we want to make sure that your communication with candidates is comprehensive, available in many places, as well as simple and secure at the same time. All this to let you contact all of your candidates with just a few clicks — remember they are waiting for any information from you :)

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