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Employee Referral Module — what is it and how do you use it?
Employee Referral Module — what is it and how do you use it?

The Employee Referral Module in eRecruiter helps implement/improve and automate the candidate referral system by employees of your company

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Napisane przez Agnieszka Otręba
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The Employee Referral Module (ERM) encompasses the perspective of 3 user roles:

This article discusses the perspective of each user and presents the opportunities offered by the system.

The Employee Referral Module is available both in Polish and English language versions. Selection of one of these languages affects the way the contents on the referral page are displayed, i.e. the language of headers, messages and buttons. It does not affect, however, the job offers displayed on the referral page, i.e. the names of positions or job offer contents.

TIP: the referral page language is independent of the system language; for example, you can use the eRecruiter system in the Polish version, while the referral page is displayed in the English language.

Polish is the default language. Only the System Administrator can change the language version to English.

Employee Referral Module from the recruiter’s perspective

The ERM will help you attract candidates in a more cost-effective and often quicker way (e.g. as compared to placing a job offer on a commercial web portal). In just a few clicks, you will adjust the Employee Referral page to the needs of your company and place your job offers on this page — just like you place job offers with eRecruiter in other places. You will also easily report the recruitment data — you will find the candidate details and the data of the recommending employee in the system.

Implementation of the referral system will have a positive impact on the morale of your staff. Your employees will get a feeling of having real impact on the shape of your Company, while the bonus will make them feel appreciated. They will also be more eager to recommend other candidates meeting the requirements of specific positions.

Where can I find and how can I edit the Employee Referral Module?

In order to implement the Employee Referral Module in your Company, contact your eRecruiter Consultant.

You will find the ERM in the Settings → Publication of job ads → Employee Referrals.

TIP: employee referrals (ER) are a separate place of job offer publication, similar to, for instance, or Intranet. You can find more information on how to place a job offer in the module later in this article.

“Link” section

In the “Link” section, you can find the address of the website containing all job offers published through the ERM. You can easily copy this address, by clicking the copying icon. When you click the link directly, you will be directed to the page with job offers, which will be displayed to the employees of your company.

“Configuration” section

In the “Configuration” section, you can adjust the appearance of the Module to the needs of your organization: you can paste or write your own welcome text, you can add a link to your terms & conditions and a GDPR clause or you can customize certain features of visual identification.

Let us discuss the configurable items of the Employee Referral Module:

  • Welcome text — the first information displayed to employees using the ER. In this field, you can enter a brief description of the website and its purpose. The welcome text is addressed only to people working for your company and will not be displayed to candidates.

  • Terms & Conditions — in this field, you can add a link directing to the terms and conditions of the employee referral program. The terms & conditions should be adjusted to the needs of your company and drawn up in collaboration with the legal department. Completing this field is not mandatory, but recommended.

  • GDPR clause — here, you can add the contents of the GDPR clause prepared by the legal department of your company. Completing this field is not mandatory, but recommended.

  • Visual identification — in this section, you can add components of visual identification of your company, important for building a coherent image of your company as an employer: your logo, banner and main color.

TIP: the main color will be displayed on the following items: frames of job offers and links, icons, hyperlinks, buttons. It is illustrated in the following image:

TIP: the banner is visible only in the job offer displayed to the recommended candidate.

All changes in the “Configuration” section are saved automatically, so in order to see them, you just need to refresh the Employee Referral page.

Placing an Employee Referral job offer in eRecruiter

ER job offers in the system are placed in the same way as other job offers in eRecruiter. Employee Referrals are one of the available places for job offer publication, among, for instance, or Career Pages. You can select the ER as a place of publication at the stage of job offer creation (third step: job offer publication) or you can add the Employee Referrals as a place of publication of an existing job offer.

When you publish your job offer with Employee Referrals, you can add a bonus for recommending a candidate. Enter the bonus value (in numbers or words) in the “Bonus” field. Completing this field is not mandatory, but recommended.

How the recommended person is displayed in the system

Employee Referrals are displayed as a source in the “Date and source” column in the list of candidates sourced during a given recruitment project (“Projects” tab in the system). When you move the cursor over the “Employee Referral” label, you will see a pop-up box with the information on who has recommended this candidate — the first name and surname of the recommending employee (and the e-mail address, if the employee completed this field in the form). Referral information is also displayed in the Candidate’s Data Sheet, and in the “List of Candidates” report.

Moreover, there is an “Employee referrals” filter in the “Candidates” tab. When you tick this filter, the list will include only those candidates who have been recommended by a company’s employee for at least one recruitment project.

With clear and comprehensive ERM information in the eRecruiter system, you will manage your referrals in a convenient way and — importantly — you will ensure data security in compliance with the GDPR. Monitoring and summarizing the results of referrals will become quick and intuitive!

Employee Referral Report

The report summarizing employee referrals is available in the tab: Reports -> General -> Employee referrals. It consists of two tabs (Excel sheets): “referred candidates” and “referral links”. The first tab contains such information, as: the details of the candidate and the recommending person, the bonus amount, the name of the recruitment project, the candidate’s current stage of the recruitment project or the date of commencement of employment. The “referral links” tab contains all referral links generated by employees, which can help you check:

  • how popular the referral program is in your company (i.e. how many referral links have been generated by your employees);

  • which positions are more frequently recommended;

  • which employees are most active in the referral program.

The report enables you to specify the time range of the candidate applications or leave the date field empty, which generates all data collected since the moment the Employee Referral Module was initiated. In order to generate this report, you do not need to have the Expert Reports Module activated — all you need is the Employee Referral Module.

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TIP: The report shows the exact date and hour of each and every application, so if a candidate applies after referrals of 2 different employees, you will know which employee recommended this candidate first and can receive the bonus when the candidate is hired.

Employee Referral Module from the recommending employee’s perspective

When you complete the configuration of the Employee Referrals page and place job offers there, you can send a link to the page to employees of your company. The employee visiting this page will see the items defined in the settings: the welcome text, the link to the Terms & Conditions, the GDPR clause, as well as all open job offers placed here and their search box.

Each and every box presents a separate job offer. The employee will see there the name of the job offer (the recruited position), the date of publication, the name of the company, the work place (location), as well as the job offer preview and a button generating a referral link.

By clicking the job offer preview, the employee can read its contents and decide whether the candidate she or he wants to recommend meets the requirements of the offered position. The “Generate link” button links to generating an individual referral link. It enables you to see which employee has recommended a given candidate in the system.

Generating a link

In order to generate a referral link, an employee should complete the mandatory field with the first name and surname. Other fields are not mandatory, but completing them facilitates further communication between the employee and the HR & Payroll Department (e.g. related to the bonus for effective referral). These data will also be visible in the Referral Module report discussed above.

After clicking the “Generate link” button, the employee will see an individual link, which can be copied and sent to potential candidates, e.g. by e-mail, or posted in the social media.

When a candidate uses the referral link to apply for a job, the employee will automatically receive an e-mail notification.

Employee Referral Module from the recommended candidate’s perspective

A candidate who receives a referral link can click the link to see the referral message.

After the message is closed or the “See the offer” is clicked, the contents of the job offer are displayed.

The job offer contains the information submitted by the recruiter upon its publication in eRecruiter. Every job offer contains the position name, the name of the company, the work location (city/town or province — or both) and the “Apply” button. After clicking the “Apply” button, the candidate is directed to the application form opened in a new card.

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