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Candidate Experience Module
Candidate Experience Module

Evaluate recruitment processes in accordance with the NPS methodology to ensure the best candidate experience possible

Agnieszka Otręba avatar
Napisane przez Agnieszka Otręba
Zaktualizowano ponad tydzień temu

Almost 80% of candidates declare readiness to share their opinion on the recruitment process („Candidate Experience in Poland” Report, 2021). Seize this opportunity to ensure the best candidate experience in your organization!

Thanks to the Candidate Experience Module, in line with the NPS methodology, you will enable candidates to evaluate recruitment processes. First-hand feedback will help you make necessary changes and build a positive image of the employer. You will also easily assess the effect of your actions by analyzing changes in evaluations over time.

In this article, we present how to use the Candidate Experience Module in eRecruiter and what the NPS methodology is all about.

Contact your eRecruiter account manager to enable the Candidate Experience Module. If you do not have contact with him/her, write to us on chat.

Table of contents:

1. How does the NPS work?

NPS (Net Promoter Score) is an indicator of loyalty or willingness to recommend an employer. It is calculated on the basis of answers to the question about the respondent’s willingness to recommend an employer (on a scale between 0 and 10). For instance, in the case of evaluation of satisfaction with the recruitment process, an NPS question can be formulated as follows:

What are the chances that you recommend applying for a job in our company?

The respondents (people answering this question, e.g. candidates) can be categorized according to the following criteria:

  • Promoters (respondents who answered 9 or 10) are enthusiastic candidates, highly satisfied and eager to encourage others to take part in the recruitment process.

  • Passives (respondents who answered 7 or 8) are satisfied, but not enthusiastic candidates, who notice certain things that might be improved.

  • Critics (respondents who answered 6 or lower) are dissatisfied participants of the recruitment process, who might express a negative opinion about recruitment and discourage other people from applying for a job in your company.

By subtracting the percentage of Critics from the percentage of Promoters, you get the Net Promoter Score, which can vary between -100 (when every candidate is a Critic) and 100 (when every candidate is a Promoter).

Written on the basis of:

2. How do you send a candidate experience survey in the eRecruiter system?

In order to send a questionnaire as part of the Candidate Experience Module, enter the “Projects” tab and select the recruitment project you would like to evaluate. Check the candidates you want to take part in the survey, click the action icon (3 dots) in the top right corner and select “Send Candidate Experience Survey”.

You will see the messaging panel, where you can edit the content and subject of the message and schedule the date of sending the message. A message inviting candidates to take part in the candidate experience survey can be sent to up to 100 candidates at a time. However, when you edit the message, remember not to delete the following content:

{Candidate Experience Survey}

This smart field is responsible for adding the candidate experience survey to the e-mail message content.

The candidate will receive an e-mail message with your customized content, containing the NPS questionnaire (note: you cannot edit the questions included in the questionnaire):

After checking the selected grade, the candidate will be asked to explain her or his opinion:

Collecting and analyzing the answers to open-ended questions will give you valuable insight on highly evaluated components of the recruitment process and/or areas that need improvement.

The candidate experience survey can also be embedded in most system message templates and in all custom message templates, in the same way as in the case of other smart fields, i.e. by using the “Insert a data field” option:

In order to check whether a given candidate has already been asked to complete the questionnaire, you can use the “Candidate Experience” filter in the list of candidates taking part in a given recruitment project:

3. Where can you find the results from the Candidate Experience Module?

The Candidate Experience Module results are available under the “Reports” tab in the “Candidate Experience” section. The results are anonymous. You can filter the results (according to the following criteria: project, recruiter, position level, department, city, partnership) or select the period for which you want to display the data. The charts present the results of surveys conducted within the selected time frame.

Example: the recruiter sends the survey to the candidate on May 31; the candidate completes the survey on June 1. If you select the May 1-31 time frame in the report, the results of this survey are included in the chart. If you select the June 1-30 time frame in the report, the results of this survey are not included in the chart.

All charts and raw data can be downloaded by clicking the “Download charts” button in the top right corner.

The top section of the panel displays the NPS and the stats for the selected time frame: the number of mailed and completed surveys and the conversion rate (i.e. the number of completed surveys as a percentage of the total number of mailed surveys). The next section presents the percentage breakdown of positive, negative and neutral evaluation results. When you hover the mouse over the chart, the information about the total number of individual evaluation results is displayed:

The last section contains answers to open-ended questions, which offer qualitative insight regarding the candidates’ evaluation of the recruitment process. They are the most valuable tips on what can be improved in the recruitment process.

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