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New reports in eRecruiter — how can you use the “Project” section?
New reports in eRecruiter — how can you use the “Project” section?

New clear reports enable you to easily and quickly monitor the selected recruitment project and share data with the business

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Napisane przez Agnieszka Otręba
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The former “Recruitment funnel” section in the Reports tab was redesigned and expanded with extra information.

Important! Availability of specific reports depends on your system version. If you do not see a given report, contact your eRecruiter Consultant.

Let us go through individual items of the “Project” section to learn more about all the introduced changes and new functionalities.

The “Project” section in the Reports enables you to monitor the results of a given recruitment project. Here, you can check all the most essential details of an individual recruitment project, by picking it from a drop-down list. This section gives you access to details of those recruitment projects that have at least one candidate and that can be accessed in the system: depending on your access rights, you can display all projects or only the projects assigned to you.

The “Project” section displays both active recruitment projects and closed projects that were opened within the last 3 years. The panels related to the Interactive Candidate Card display data from the last year.

Top panel

The top panel identifies the recruitment project that the report pertains to, as well as its activation and end dates. It is a summary of the most essential information on the selected project, available without the need to search the charts:

  • Number of vacancies — the number of vacancies indicated when opening the recruitment project (it does not apply to multi-recruitment projects).

  • Employed — the number candidates taking part in a given recruitment project whose current status is “Employed”.

  • Time of recruitment — the time between activating and closing the recruitment project (here you can read about how to close recruitment projects and why you should do it).

  • Viewed applications — the number of job applications submitted by candidates that were viewed at least once. The number in brackets is a percentage of all received applications that were viewed.

TIP: If a job application was viewed and afterwards its status was manually changed into “Not viewed”, it will still be included among the “Viewed applications”. This field takes into account not only the current job application status, but all actions performed.

  • Rated applications — the number of job applications that were rated at least once.

  • Average Candidate Card assessment time — the average time between the moment of sending a candidate’s application to the manager and the assessment of this application by this manager (i.e. the candidate’s approval or rejection — viewing is not counted as an action on a Candidate Card). This number reflects the impact of the business on the duration of the recruitment project.

Recruitment funnel

This chart illustrates the flow of candidates in the recruitment process and enables its analysis. The bars indicate the number of candidates on individual stages of the recruitment process:

  • All applications — the number of job applications submitted by candidates as part of a given recruitment project.

  • Viewed — the number of viewed job applications.

  • Candidate Cards sent — the number of candidates’ job applications sent to the manager (each first instance of sending a given application is counted).

  • Candidate Cards acceptance — the number of Candidate Cards with the “Accepted” status.

  • Applications assessment — the number of assessed applications. The application assessment involves rating the candidate by the recruiter (on a scale from 1 to 5) before sending the Candidate Card to the business.

  • Interview — the number of candidates who had at least one job interview arranged.

TIP: This bar indicates the number of candidates, not interviews. For instance, if a candidate took part in 3 interviews, she or he is still counted only once.

  • Job proposal — the number of candidates who reached the “Job proposal” stage of the recruitment process at least once.

  • Employment — the number of candidates who reached the “Employed” stage of the recruitment process at least once.

TIP: It also includes those candidates who reached the “Employed” stage, but resigned and their status was changed into a different one than “Employed”. Those candidates are not counted in the “Employed” field in the top panel. If the recruiter does not perform any action and the candidate resigns but still has the “Employed” status in the system, this candidate will be counted in both places. However, if the recruitment stage is changed from “Employed” to, for instance, “Rejected”, there will be a difference between the data in the top panel and the “Recruitment funnel” chart.

How can you interpret and use the recruitment funnel chart? Here are a few examples:

  • If the total number of job applications is large, but the number of viewed applications is small, it can indicate excessive workload of the recruitment team.

  • If the number of incoming applications is large, but there are very few interviews arranged, it most probably indicates poor quality of applications. In such cases, it is advisable to make the job offer content more accurate and/or change the place of its publication.

  • If many job proposals are made, but the number of employed candidates is low, the job proposal might not be attractive enough.


KPI (Key Performance Indicators) panel enables monitoring of the key recruitment indicators pertaining to the time needed to find an appropriate candidate. The indicators reflect the effectiveness of the recruiting team with regard to pursuing the company’s goals. For instance, the company and its HR department have a goal of closing recruitment projects in 45 days. With the KPI panel, they can monitor whether they achieve the intended results regarding:

  • Time to Offer — the time from the candidate’s application to the job proposal.

  • Time to Hire — the time from the candidate’s application to employment.

  • Time to Fill — time from the activation of the project to the job proposal.

TIP: If your KPIs exceed the goals, examine the recruitment funnel to identify the quality of the recruitment process and its bottlenecks. You can also check how long the Candidate Card assessment takes — maybe the collaboration with the manager is time-consuming and makes the recruitment process longer, despite your satisfactory performance. It is also advisable to check the average time between stages to check which part of the recruitment process is most time-consuming and consider optimization opportunities.

Multi-vacancy recruitment

In the event of multi-vacancy recruitment, the KPI panel presents the calculation of average duration of individual recruitment processes. For instance, if a company has 2 vacancies and 2 employed candidates, for which the Time to Hire amounted to 30 days and 34 days respectively, the KPI panel will display an average value of the two: 32 days.

By clicking “Show individual candidates”, you can check the values for each candidate separately.

If the candidate is still in the database, her or his first name and surname is displayed. If the candidate has been deleted from the database, e.g. after the expiry of the personal data processing period, the calculated KPIs are displayed, but with the “Deleted candidate” information instead of the candidate’s personal data.

Average time between stages

The chart shows the average time between individual stages of the recruitment process, i.e. submitting the application, viewing the CV, sending the Candidate Card and Candidate Card acceptance. It enables you to check which parts of the recruitment process are most time-consuming. Having identified the longest stages, you can perform the qualitative analysis and try to answer the following questions:

  • Why is this stage of the process so time-consuming?

  • What can we do to make it shorter and achieve better recruitment KPIs, such as the Time to Hire ratio?

The average value presented in the chart is calculated on the basis of stages completed by candidates in the course of the recruitment project. If a candidate fails to complete a given stage, the time between this particular stage and its adjacent stages is not included in the average. For instance: if a candidate fails to complete the “CV viewing” stage, the times between the “Application” and the “CV viewing” and between the “CV viewing” and “Sending Candidate Card” are not included in the average. Therefore, in order to achieve credible data, you should update the candidates’ stages in the recruitment process systematically.

Applications over time

The chart shows the number of application within the selected period expressed in days, weeks or months, depending on the time frame length. You can also compare the incremental growth of the number of candidates from a given place of job ad publication (e.g. or a career website). You just need to select the place of publication from the drop-down list in the top left corner.

TIP: If the chart shows that the incremental growth of the number of candidates is slowing down, you might need to consider renewing the job ad.

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