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New reports in eRecruiter — how can you use the “Candidates” section?
New reports in eRecruiter — how can you use the “Candidates” section?

This section enables you to monitor data regarding the applications, job proposals and hired candidates for multiple recruitment projects

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The “Candidates” section facilitates monitoring of data and flow of candidates sourced by the organization in the course of all recruitment projects, enabling you to compare and filter data regarding numerous recruitment projects within the selected time frame.

Important! Availability of specific reports depends on your system version. If you do not see a given report, contact your eRecruiter Consultant. In the “Candidates” section, you can see the details of those recruitment projects you have the right to access in the system.

Important! Two charts that were previously displayed in the “Candidates” section, i.e. “Number of candidates per places of publication” and “Number of candidates per places of publication and statuses”, can be found in the new reporting section: “Sources”.

All charts available in the “Candidates” section can be filtered by the following criteria: company’s department, city, company and industry.

Let us go through individual items of this section to learn more about all the introduced changes and new functionalities.

Top panel

The charts available in this panel can be filtered according to an individual company’s department, city, company, industry or a custom field.

Applicant-to-hire ratio chart

This chart shows the number of hired candidates as a percentage of the total number of candidates. It enables you to assess the value of job offers placed by the company and the incoming candidates’ applications: the larger the ratio presented in the chart, the greater value of the job offers and applications. The ratio is calculated on the basis of the number of candidates who received the “Employed” status during the selected period as compared to the number of candidates who applied for a job in the company during the same period (the total number of candidates in all recruitment projects).

Employed-job proposal ratio chart

This chart illustrates the percentage of candidates offered a job who ultimately accepted this job proposal. It is a reliable measure of the value of job proposal given to candidates. For instance, a large number of job proposals and a relatively small number of hired candidates can indicate that the job proposal is not attractive enough. The ratio is calculated on the basis of the number of candidates who received the “Employed” status during the selected period as compared to the number of candidates who received the “Job proposal” status during the same period.

Answer to the Mr. or Mrs. question in the form chart

This chart shows the percentage of candidates who chose to be addressed with “Mr” or “Mrs”. The ratio takes into account all candidates who received the “Employed” status during the selected period and answered to the addressing form question in the recruitment form. If this question was not included in the form, the data are not available.

Additional information about employed candidates

This chart enables you to efficiently source the data of hired candidates divided according to your custom fields (defined when opening the recruitment project). If a recruiter uses those fields to defined certain reporting criteria, this chart will prove very useful.

TIP: If the company does not define its custom fields, this chart will not be displayed.

This chart shows all candidates with the completed custom field in the recruitment project (e.g. “Department”), whose status was changed into “Employed” during the selected period. The chart displays the number of hired candidates with a given response to the custom field in all recruitment projects.

TIP: This chart can be filtered only according to custom single-choice fields. If you want to be able to use this chart, we recommend using such custom fields when opening your recruitment project.

Recruitment funnel

This chart enables you to monitor the number of candidates at individual stages of the recruitment process for all projects. You can filter the data in this chart according to an individual recruitment project, position level, company’s department, city, company, custom single-choice field or industry.

This chart shows data per candidate, not per event, which means that one candidate cannot be counted twice. For instance, if a candidate takes part in 3 job interviews, she or he is still counted and displayed once in the “Interviews” row. Similarly, if a given candidate applies for a job in 5 different recruitment projects, she or he will appear once in the “All applications” row.

The chart shows events that occurred during the selected period, regardless of the date of recruitment project activation. For instance, when you narrow the period down to March 2-6, a candidate who attended a job interview on March 3 will be included in the “Interviews” row of the chart, but when you select the period of March 1-2, the same candidate will not be displayed, even if this particular recruitment project was already active during that period.

The “Recruitment funnel” chart enables you to answer many important questions that reflect the quality of the recruitment process and applications submitted by candidates:

1. How many CVs were viewed? — an indicator of the quality of the recruiters’ work and the workload of the recruitment department.

2. How many CVs were assessed? — an indicator of the quality of the recruiters’ work and the workload of the recruitment department.

3. How many CVs were forwarded to the hiring manager in the form of Candidate Cards? — an indicator of the quality of applications submitted in response to a given job offer.

4. How many Candidate Cards were accepted? — an indicator of the quality of collaboration with the hiring manager.

5. How many accepted candidates (with the accepted Candidate Cards) attended job interviews? — an indicator of the candidates’ involvement in the recruitment process.

6. How many candidates who attended job interviews received job proposals? — an indicator of the quality of sourced candidates.

7. How many candidates who had been offered a job proposal were employed? — an indicator of the quality of the recruitment process and the job proposal attractiveness.

Number of candidates per statuses

This table enables you to analyze the number of candidates with all statuses (including custom statuses) for the selected recruitment projects. You can filter the data in this table according to an individual recruitment project, company’s department, city, company, custom single-choice field or industry.

The table shows the number of candidates whose status was changed during the selected period. It means that the table does not include those candidates who have a given status at the moment, but only those candidates who received this status during the selected period.

Example 1:

The recruitment project was launched on April 1. We filter the table by setting the period to April 2-30 — the table will include all job applications submitted between April 2 and April 30 and all job interviews that took place during this period. A candidate who applied for a job on April 1 will not be displayed in the table, as the selected period starts on April 2.

Example 2:

The recruitment project was launched on April 1. 200 candidates submitted their applications between April 1 and April 7, after which the job offer was disabled. Between April 8 and April 14, ten candidates were interviewed. If you filter the table to display data for the period between April 8 and April 14, the following data are displayed:

  • All applications: 0 (all applications were submitted before April 8)

  • Interviews: 10 (all candidates were interviewed during this period)

If you filter the table to display data for the period between April 1 and April 14, the following data are displayed:

  • All applications: 200

  • Interviews: 10

TIP: The recruitment project rows are arranged alphabetically.

The table counts each unique change of the candidate’s status during the selected period. The number of candidates is counted, not the number of events related to a given status. For instance, if a candidate attended 3 job interviews, she or he will be counted once, even if the interviews were held as a part of different recruitment projects.

TIP: If more than 100 recruitment projects were active during the selected period, the table will show no more than 100 recruitment projects. The remaining data will be available in an MS Excel file, which can be downloaded by clicking the arrow icon in the top right corner of the table.

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