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Candidate Card from the Business User perspective
Candidate Card from the Business User perspective

If the HR department is recruiting for your department, you have to view the job applications incoming to your mailbox

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What is a Candidate Card?

Recruiters can send you a Candidate Card, i.e. an e-mail message containing links to applications submitted by specific candidates. With a Candidate Card, you can view job applications selected by your HR department, evaluate them and leave a note with a comment for the recruiter.

How will job applications be delivered to your mailbox?

Having examined the CVs submitted by candidates in the eRecruiter system, the recruiter will select those that most accurately match the requirements for a given position and send the respective cards to you by e-mail.

Click the “Rate candidate applications” button in the e-mail message to display the candidates’ profiles or click the first name and surname of the selected candidate to view their job application.

Additional protection of the Candidate Card

When you open a job application, you might receive a separate message with a one-time password that needs to be entered to gain access to the application. It means that your company has enabled the Candidate Card password protection. This option is disabled by default, so if you can open a Candidate Card without any password, it means this functionality is disabled in your company.

After opening the candidate’s job application, you can:

  • view their documents:

  • check how the candidate answered the questions in the application form:

  • read the recruiter’s notes and add your own note, which will be available to the recruiter in the system. You can exchange notes with the recruiter in real time:

  • print the CV before a job interview.

Important! Remember about personal data protection. When you print the candidate’s application, follow the procedures implemented in your organization.

After you learn the detailed information about the candidate, decide whether their competences match your expectations for a given position.

Inform the recruiter about your decision:

  • click the green button to accept the referred candidate:

  • click the red button to reject the candidate:

After you accept or reject the candidate, the card of the next person is displayed automatically. If you are not sure how to rate a candidate, move on by clicking the navigating arrow.

You can change your rating at any moment by clicking the “Change decision” button in the Candidate Card:

The list of your candidates, including their statuses, is displayed below the position name on the left. It shows all the candidates you have not seen or rated yet, as well as those you have already accepted or rejected. You can view the profiles of candidates and change your rating until the Candidate Cards expire:

Who will see your rating?

You do not need to worry that the candidate will see your actions in the Candidate Card. All notes and ratings are visible to recruiters only and not to candidates.

Recruiter is waiting for your feedback

It is recommended that you rate the candidates promptly after receiving the e-mail message. The links will be active for 7, 14, 21 or 28 days (depending on the selected settings) from the moment of receiving the last message regarding a given recruitment project. The recruiter sending a Candidate Card should inform you how long it will be active. As every candidate can take part in a number of recruitment projects at the same time, the sooner you rate them, the better!

Important! Do not paste your selected candidates to the e-mail message — when you click the appropriate button in the Candidate Card, the recruiter will be automatically notified about your decision and will be able to proceed with the recruitment process.

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