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How can you integrate the eRecruiter system with your Career web page?
How can you integrate the eRecruiter system with your Career web page?

This article will teach you how to post job ads on your Career web page quickly and easily.

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Napisane przez Agnieszka Otręba
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If you want to integrate the eRecruiter system with the Career tab on your website or create your own Career web page, contact your eRecruiter consultant to arrange the details of the integration process.

Select the type of integration

Choose one of the three options of integrating eRecruiter with your Career web page:

1. Career Sites Builder

The Career Sites Builder is a tool enabling you to create an attractive, modern and personalized career web page for your company in just a few minutes directly from the eRecruiter system. It will help you boost your employer branding efforts and gain an additional source of candidates. With our editor, you will create a Career site entirely on your own, without engaging any other departments of your company or third-party agencies. You will also post your job ads on your Career site directly from the eRecruiter system.

Some of our Clients using the Career Sites Builder include:

2. Career Site PRO

It is a professional, intuitive and very advanced creator. On the Career Site PRO, you will present not only job offers, but also information about work culture and the recruitment process. All this thanks to the possibility of full configuration of the graphic design, page layout and content, including: graphics, video, list of benefits, employee opinions and a map of the company's location.

Learn more:

Some of our Clients using the Career Site PRO include:

DSV Services: German and Polish versions

Besides the solutions above we also offer two other possibilities of the eRecruiter system’s integration with the Client’s corporate website:

3. Widget

A widget is a piece of JavaScript code we will create on the basis of information received from you. The code must be embedded in the <body> of the page. To write the code, we need some information on the widget’s target location (maximum width allowed by the web browser, acceptable color palette, etc.). You should also choose the criteria to be taken into account in the search module and on the job ad list. You can choose between the following searching criteria:

Possible job ad searching criteria:

  • Position

  • Keywords

  • Place of work

  • Region

  • Department of the company

Remember you can choose not to add a search module — in such a case only the list of posted job ads will be displayed on the page.

Possible columns of the job ad list:

  • Position

  • Region

  • Place of work

  • Date of publication

  • Department of the company

Some of our Clients using this solution include:

When your search module is ready, your consultant will send you a special script, which you will have to embed in an appropriate place on your Career web page.

The technical description of adding the search module to your web page can be found here.

4. XML file

An XML file offers you far greater search module customization possibilities. The Client handles all tasks related to the search module appearance and adjustment to the web page requirements.

Our job is just to create job ad layouts. A few examples of such a solution:

If you choose this solution, copy the data in the XML format from your Account Settings in eRecruiter. The Account Administrator has access to these data.

Job ad layouts

We will also create layouts of your job ads posted on your Career web page. They can be the same as job ad layouts or entirely different and designed on the basis of your graphic content and instructions. We need images of the width of at least 690 px saved in one of the following file formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, PSD, or submitted in the form of a link to the Figma software.

If you want the layout to contain icons (e.g. symbols of benefits offered), you should also submit such graphic images. We can use the font that is used on your website. To this end, we will need the name of the font (if it is free) or files in the OTF or TTF format (if it is commercial).

We can also use any images displayed on your website — simply let us know that they are supposed to be the basis for the layout. All the content and information should be submitted to your consultant.

Post your first job ads

Having integrated your Career web page with eRecruiter, you can post your first job ads. See how simple it is! :)

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