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How do you send a candidate’s job application to the manager (Business Account)?
How do you send a candidate’s job application to the manager (Business Account)?

Learn how to send candidates’ resumes to hiring managers using the Business Account in a secure way.

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Napisane przez Agnieszka Otręba
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Business Account is a new space in eRecruiter that enables hiring managers or people involved in onboarding to evaluate job applications and/or carry out specific onboarding tasks. We discuss this tool in detail here.

Reading this article, you will learn:

  • how the Business Account differs from the previously used solution dedicated to collaboration with the business, i.e. the Candidate Card, and what kinds of benefits it offers,

  • how to activate this functionality,

  • how to submit applications for review using this functionality and where to check their status,

  • what kinds of notifications are sent from the Business Account.

How does the application review in the Business Account work?

The application review functionality in the Business Account enables you to send the selected candidates’ applications directly from the system to a specific recipient (or multiple recipients), e.g. a hiring manager. Applications are sent from the section of eRecruiter that recruiters (with the User Mini role or higher) have access to.

The hiring manager receives an e-mail message with the notification about applications awaiting review and a link to log in to their Business Account. After logging in, the manager can examine the candidate’s documents and responses to the questions asked in the form, evaluate the applications, read notes added by recruiters (General) and add their own comments (which will be visible in the system).

Actions taken by hiring managers are visible in the list of applications under a given recruitment project in the system — you can check whether a given job application has been viewed, how it has been evaluated, and if any new notes have been added.

Business Account vs. Candidate Card

Business Account is our brand new space facilitating collaboration with hiring managers (among others). Its most important benefits as compared to the previous default solution, i.e. the Candidate Card, are presented in the table below:

Business Account

Candidate Card

Hiring manager has all the data submitted by candidates in a single place, sorted by recruitment projects, between which you can switch with one click.

Each “bundle” of applications submitted for review is delivered to the e-mail address of the recipient in the form of a separate link. If there are many such bundles, you need to search for those links in your e-mail box.

In the list of applications, there is a search box enabling you to quickly find the person you need, e.g. a candidate whom the manager is about to meet. The manager can view the statistics and check whether all submitted job applications have already been reviewed or how many recruitment meetings are scheduled.

Candidate Cards do not have a search box or any other functionality to filter all applications.

Access to the application is protected with a username and password, which enables, for instance, using a convenient domain-based authentication.

Access to the application can be protected with a password, if your organization decides so. A one-time password is sent to the e-mail address of the recipient.

Overview of the application review functionality in the Business Account from the perspective of a Business User

Note: The Candidate Card functionality is going to be phased out in the future, so you should prepare your corporate processes for this change now!

How do you activate the application review functionality through the Business Account for a given recruitment project?

You can add a new project by clicking the “+Add project” button in the top menu and copy an existing project or click the “Create new project button”. On the project editing screen, open the “Team” tab. You will find a section named “Application evaluation tool”. Here you can decide if you want to use the Business Account or the Candidate Card for the purposes of this recruitment project. This decision can be made only when the project is at the working stage. You cannot change this setting after you activate the project!

Note: The Business Account functionality is not available for projects created according to the “old way”, e.g. through Multi-recruitment.

How can you submit an application to a Business User for review?

Enter the selected recruitment project and tick the candidates whose cards you want to submit to the managers. Next, click the “Submit applications for review” button.

In this screen you can select the people with whom you want to share the candidates’ documents.

If you cannot find the recipient you want to send the applications to in the list, you can add this person to the system by clicking the “+Add new Business User” button. After you have entered the details of the new person, click the “Save” button. This person will be added to the system as a person logging in as a Business User and will receive a notification about creating a user account in the eRecruiter system when the first application is submitted.

In the screen displayed after the application recipients are selected, you can leave an additional comment for the recipients. The comment will be displayed in the e-mail message notifying about the incoming applications. At this stage you can also decide whether you want to hide the information about the financial expectations of the submitted candidates from selected users. Finally click the "Send applications” button.

Note: There are two situations in which not all selected applications are delivered to the recipients:

  1. Applications for which personal data processing has been restricted according to the GDPR. If there are such applications among the submitted ones, you will be notified about it before sending the documents. You do not need to deselect them manually — they will be excluded automatically.

  2. Applications that have already been sent to the same recipients. They will also be excluded automatically, to avoid sending the same applications twice or overwriting actions already completed by the manager. Each recipient can receive the same application for review only once in the course of a given recruitment project.

Where can you find the information about the submitted applications?

In the list of applications for a given recruitment project, you will see icons summarizing their status next to every application that has already been submitted. Numbers next to the icons refer to the number of recipients who have performed a given action for this application, while when you hover over an icon, a list of individual recipients and dates of completed actions are displayed.Meaning of the icons:

Arrow — the number of recipients to whom a given application has been sent

Eye slash — recipients who have not viewed the application yet

Eye — recipients who have viewed the application, but have not evaluated it yet

Green thumb up — recipients who have given a positive decision after reviewing this application

Red thumb down — recipients who have given a negative decision after reviewing this application

What kinds of messages does a Business Account user receive?

There are four types of messages a Business Account user can receive.

Activation message after the access to eRecruiter has been granted

Meaning of the icons:

  • Arrow — the number of recipients to whom a given application has been sent

  • Eye slash — recipients who have not viewed the application yet

  • Eye — recipients who have viewed the application, but have not evaluated it yet

  • Green thumb up — recipients who have given a positive decision after reviewing this application

  • Red thumb down — recipients who have given a negative decision after reviewing this application

What kinds of messages does a Business Account user receive?

There are four types of messages a Business Account user can receive.

Activation message after the access to eRecruiter has been granted

This message is sent only when the recipient has not been a system user (other than a Business User) and has been added for the first time upon sending the application. The message contains an account activation link.

One-time message.

Welcome message in the Business Account

This message is sent to every person who uses the Business Account for the first time. It contains tips about using the Account and links to detailed contents available in the Knowledge Database.

One-time message.

Notification about applications submitted for review

This message is sent every time a recipient gets one or more applications for review. After clicking the “Review applications” button, the recipient is directed to the Business Account log-in page and can view the submitted applications. If the recipient takes part in several recruitment projects, a separate message is sent for each of them.

Note: Unlike with the Candidate Card, all applications from a given recruitment project (even if they were sent in separate bundles) are sent to the same place in the Business Account, i.e. to the Application Review panel. This way, the recipient can be sure that all the applications that have ever been submitted for review under this project are displayed.

Notification about new notes

If there is any new (General) note to any of the applications submitted to the recipient for review, a notification and the contents of this note are sent by electronic mail. It enables recruiters to add a new comment also during the process.

If the recipient has a role of a Business User, all types of notifications are enabled by default. If the recipient has any other role in the system, notifications about new notes can be enabled or disabled as required.

What kinds of messages and notifications from the Business Account are sent to the recruiting person?

The person who submits applications for review receives two types of messages. Depending on the individual settings, they can come in the form of e-mail messages or notifications in the Notification Center, i.e. under the “bell” in the top right corner of the system screen.

Notification about a reviewed application

You are notified each time a Business Account user reviews an application. Such a notification contains the information about the decision and a link to the reviewed application.

Notification about a note

If the recipient adds any note to the application in the Business Account, you receive a similar notification to the one described above, i.e. when a note is added by you or a team member. General notes are visible under the “Notes” tab in the candidate’s application screen.

Note: If you carry out recruitment activities on daily basis, but you are also involved in the process as a recipient of applications in the Business Account, you can receive all types of notifications referred to in this article.

How can you hide the question about the salary when submitting an application?

If you share applications with people who are not supposed to know the candidates’ financial expectations, you can hide this piece of information. If you hide it, the recipients of the applications will not see the information about the candidates’ preferred salary. However, you need to make sure that such information are properly tagged in the system.

How do you mark the information about financial expectations?

If you want to be able to hide the question about the salary when sending the application, you need to mark it as a “Question about salary” when you create this question.

Marking a question as a “Question about salary” in the Question Library.

TIP: If you use a question about the salary that is uploaded to the system (i.e. it is tagged as a “System question” in the list displayed during the process of creating the questionnaire), it is marked as a “Question about salary” automatically. You have to remember about marking a “Question about salary” manually only when creating a new question by adding it directly to the Question Library.

Note: If a question already exists in the Question Library, but you want to edit it later by adding a “Question about salary” mark, you need to update the application form in the projects in which this question is used. To this end, remove the question from the questionnaire and add it again in the updated version. This requirement applies to recruitment projects created in the new way.

Where do you hide the salary information?

After you select the recipients of the applications, a “Hide salary information from managers” switch is displayed. Enable this option. It will apply only to those recipients who have been selected for those particular applications being submitted. You cannot change this setting after sending the applications. If you make a mistake, inform us about it using the system’s chat functionality — we will help you recall the incorrectly submitted applications.

Do you want to learn more about the application review process in the Business Account? Use the link below. You can also send it as a manual to people reviewing the applications:

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